The Pack 571 registration form for Spook-O-Ree and Camp Halloween is here:
DO NOT REGISTER FOR CAMP HALLOWEEN THROUGH THE CAMP EDWARD / CAMP HALLOWEEN WEBSITE - We are managing all registration as a Pack. We will register everyone once we have your registration through our form.
At the bottom of the page, click on RSVP NOW.
The first part of the RSVP form asks you to select Yes if you are attending, and to select how many adults and how many children. In the example (see the image to the left), we have selected 1 Adult and 1 Child.
This is the most complex part of the registration. You need to select a slot, then click Add More Items to add additional slots. You should select the following slots:
In the example (left) we have added three (3) slots:
Click on RSVP Now
Payment for your registration can be done via PayPal to or by check through your Den Leader.
Add up the cost for the slots you selected to get your payment total. In our example, the cost is $55